
Surfatech | Trimega Inti Selaras, PT offers the industry's wide range of top quality chemicals for metal plating and finishing. Among our many products, We have provided custom metal cleaners, trivalent chromates, and alkaline non-cyanide and acid copper plating processes. We are the authorized distributor for plating chemical products, such as: EPI, Mihara, and Daiwa. EPI offers the industry's largest range of top quality, ISO-9001 certified chemicals for metal plating and finishing. Mihara provides zinc treatment products, from Pre-treatment Agents, Zinc Plating Brightener, and Post-Treatment Agents of Zinc Plating. Also, Daiwa offers high quality copper & hard chrome plating chemicals, such as Cosmo, New Kotac & Chrolight.



Electrocleaning is typically used prior to electroplating to improve cleaning on parts. For example, with smutting on high steel parts, an electrocleaner is an excellent way to remove the smut. E-Kleen 129 and E-Kleen 129-L are excellent desmutting electrocleaners used prior to plating.


There are two types of electrocleaning: anodic (reverse current) and cathodic (direct current like plating).

  • Anodic Electrocleaning – Oxygen is given off on the part when you anodic electroclean, producing oxygen bubbles that scrub the surface clean.
  • Cathodic Electrocleaning – Hydrogen is given off on the part when you cathodic electroclean, producing hydrogen bubbles on the parts (two times more bubbles than anodic cleaning). It is important to end on an anodic (reverse) to make sure the metallic impurities that are deposited on the part are removed, insuring excellent adhesion.


Electrocleaners are made of caustic, buffers, chelants, water conditioners, chrome reducer, and surfactants. TIS is willing to make a custom electrocleaner to meet your needs.

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